Jackson Single Kayak

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Sun Bum Sunscreen 30 (3 oz Tube)

Sun Bum Sunscreen 50 Face (3 oz Tube)

Sun Bum Sunscreen 70 (3 oz Tube)

  • Jackson Single Kayak: $0.00
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*Daily rentals are done out of the Marina. Weekly non-powered rentals include delivery to level beachfront cottages or closest boat ramp. Must have someone available to help unload. Rentals are only to be transported by Morgan Marine.
Weekly $250
Daily $40
1/2 Day (9am-12pm or 1pm-4pm) $30
Deposit $100

Jackson Regal Single Kayak.  Traditional Paddle Style sit inside.  (includes Life Jacket and Paddle)
*Daily rentals are done out of the Marina. Weekly non-powered rentals include delivery to level beachfront cottages or closest boat ramp. Must have someone available to help unload. Rentals are only to be transported by Morgan Marine.
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